Listen to the melody of circumstances

Auspicious coincidence. Deja vu. Serendipity. If you tune in to the melody of circumstances, you will receive messages.

We’ve all had these experiences in our lives where the world seems to bring us exactly what we need at the exact time we need it. Or perhaps something or someone we have been thinking about drops back into our story. Or maybe a situation we have dreamed of really happens as if we were foretelling the future. I tend to never overthink these times but be open to them with a curious mind.

“The world works in mysterious ways,” my mom used to say.

One of the strangest for me was six years ago when I started my journey to reopen the cabins. It was spring and there were some fallen trees on the edge of the woods that I was debating how to move as they were partially on the lawn and made it impossible to cut the grass. Unfortunately, they were large enough to be too heavy for me to move by hand and no one was around to assist. I didn’t have easy access to a chainsaw and was feeling frustrated and defeated.

After struggling to untangle and move them, I plunked down on the grass, on the verge of tears. After a few minutes of feeling helpless and sorry for myself, I looked up and, backlit by the bright sun, a man was walking toward me with a chainsaw in hand. What?! Was I imagining it?

He was a rather slight man who introduced himself as a neighbor and said he just happened to be driving by and wondered if I needed help. He knew my father, as most people did. I wondered if he had seen me struggling but that seemed impossible given the hidden corner of the yard. After a few minutes he had cut up the trees, we tossed the remains in the woods, and the job was done. I was overwhelmed and have never forgotten the kindness. Angels really do come to us when we need them most.