Getting squirrelly

Squirrels and chipmunks are a popular sight at the cabins. These familiar little rodents regularly chew on my hummingbird feeders and are always competing with the birds for seeds that fall to the ground below. The word “rodent” actually derives from the Latin rodere, which means “to gnaw” 🐿️

10 fun facts about squirrels

  1. Squirrels can find food buried beneath a foot of snow.

  2. A squirrel’s front teeth never stop growing.

  3. Squirrels may lose 25 percent of their buried food to thieves.

  4. They zigzag to escape predators.

  5. Squirrels may pretend to bury a nut to throw off potential thieves.

  6. A newborn squirrel is about an inch long.

  7. Humans introduced squirrels to most of our major city parks.

  8. Squirrels are acrobatic, intelligent, and adaptable.

  9. They get bulky to stay warm during the winter.

  10. Squirrels don’t dig up all of their buried nuts, which results in more trees!

Fun facts courtesy National Wildlife Federation. Close up photo of squirrel by NWF Wildlife Photo Contest entrant Christine Haines.