
Marraskuu (November) has arrived along with an early snow at the cabins and in many parts of the northern latitudes. It brings a sense of security and calmness to see the familiar blanket of white.

But as with life and love, the calmness is often fleeting. There is so much hostility, mistrust, and violence in our world. A solid foundation of trust in a community or between nations or individuals can easily be shaken and toppled.

When those you love disappoint or hurt you, it is often worse than when a stranger does it. Feelings of confusion and mistrust can jar us. Break our spirit. Rekindle fears of abandonment.

Love requires consideration of the feelings on both sides of a conflict. Talking is important, rather than the tossing of relentless grenades, insults, and unanswered requests for a ceasefire. Hearing and attempting to understand another’s perspective is different than merely listening.

They say “hurt people” hurt people. Human beings — whatever their calling or wherever they call home on this planet — deserve to be seen and heard and appreciated. We all want to know that our life and what we love matters.

War. Hate. Apathy. Indifference.

I choose love instead of this.


Photos courtesy Kevin Roddy, Lynn Eberhardt.