To wed

I’ve been thinking a lot about weddings lately having had some new and old friends tie the knot this summer, and another save-the-date magnet currently adorning my refrigerator.

When two people decide to join their lives, families are brought together, too, and it’s a time to celebrate. Whether large affairs or intimate family-only events, weddings are joyful occasions.

There is so much planning that goes into a wedding, and many sleepless nights, I’m sure, as the big day approaches. I always find it a bit astounding when people (especially very young people) decide to marry. How do they know that this person is “the one”? Or maybe they don’t really know and just have a feeling or a strong hunch. I think the entire endeavor must require enormous courage and a leap of faith.

Having people witness a wedding is an important part of the tradition of marriage. Vowing to “love and cherish in sickness and in health” is a solemn promise after all, and friends and family are invited not just to celebrate but to show their support and approval of the union.

I also enjoy seeing married couples attend weddings because I think it’s always a reminder of their own vows, whether at an altar, under an arch outdoors, in a city hall chamber, or wherever they chose to make it official. If you look around at a wedding you’ll often see long-married couples giving each other a furtive glance, inconspicuous wink, or teary-eyed acknowledgment. They are remembering and reaffirming their decision. As someone who is single, I think that kind of lasting love and commitment is pretty amazing.

Weddings are special days. The joy and anticipation is a beautiful part of life.


Images courtesy Annette Butina, Kristine Cooper.