Go for a swim and get happy

With 4th of July and warmer temperatures just around the corner, taking a dip in the lake is an enticing option to cool off and have some fun. I grew up swimming in Otter Lake, which is refreshing but not nearly as cold as Lake Superior, which seldom reaches 50 degrees even in the peak of summer.

The Finns love swimming, especially cold water swimming. Talviuinti, or winter/ice swimming, is an increasingly popular activity in Finland. Research conducted at the University of Oulu has shown that swimming in cold water or ice improves blood circulation, releases feel-good hormones such as endorphins and dopamine, boosts your immune system, increases calories burned, and is good for mental health by combatting depression.

It’s also simply refreshing and provides a kickstart to the day. Some liken the energy derived from a cold water immersion to that from the summer sun.

Regardless of the season, running or jumping into a lake for the pure joy of getting wet is oddly liberating, cleansing. Immersing yourself and experiencing the buoyancy makes you feel free and unencumbered.

The Finns say: “Happiness does not come from searching for it, but by living.” Maybe that is the secret recipe. By keeping themselves so busy, Finns simply don’t have time to search for happiness.

That seems like the best reason ever to go jump in a lake 💦

Photos by KLEM Studios.