The vision pulls

As the temperatures plummet and the leaves begin to fall, it’s time to close out one season and start dreaming about the next.

Pain pushes until the vision pulls.

Five years ago that statement woke me up. A few years earlier, I had been laid off from a job that I had once loved but all the joy had been beaten out of it for me. I was tired of the 9-5 and feeling overworked and unappreciated. A year after that my mom died. It was a low point in my life. I had lost my passion and creativity.

But then I discovered a new life being a resort owner and poured my whole heart into a place I had left long ago but found still here waiting to welcome me back. The vision pulled and I let go of all the pain and started dreaming again.

I found that when you invest in yourself, sweat and tears are part of the process but also part of the prize.

Five years later after a lot of work (both physical and mental) I’ve found a new contentment and satisfaction, and my simple life is rather sweet again. I haven’t looked back.

The Zinnia seeds, left for me by a guest a few weeks ago, will find a home in my garden in the spring. They look ugly and brown but remind me that great beauty can come from old, often discarded things. I look forward to the blooms.
