Live fascinated

It is hard to believe, but today is my 100th blog post! Writing is a pleasure to me and this blog has brought me immense joy and, I hope, a small legion of followers. Since the news is mostly filled with pain, anger and sorrow these days, I strive here to focus on the happier moments in our world that I am curious about and pay attention to.

In recent weeks I’ve been watching a new docu-series called Finnding America by filmmaker Santi Fox. Yes, you guessed, it focuses on some successful Finns who have settled in America and what they have learned along the way. He seeks to understand what it means to be Finnish in America.

One interview I found especially motivating was with Kristiina Hiukka — a native of Jyväskylä, Finland — who is an executive coach in the Seattle area. She spoke about her journey to the U.S., and how she has always lived in a state of constant fascination, following life with curiosity, and forever learning. Say yes, she says, be discerning, but don’t judge. Let the customs of your heritage live within you. Pay more attention to the happy coincidences in your life.

She makes the point that you can’t think so much about yourself when your focus is on being fascinated with something else.

I love this. It is how I feel about my Finnish heritage, too, and about life, in general. To be fascinated is to be alive. To me it seems tied to the Law of Attraction, the philosophy that positive thoughts bring positive results into a person's life, while negative thoughts bring negative outcomes. It is based on the belief that thoughts are a form of energy and that positive energy attracts success in all areas of life, including health, finances, and relationships.

What is the old saying by Henry Ford? Whether you believe you are successful or not, you are correct!

Watch Finnding America free on YouTube.

Art by Brian Snyder.