
Today is Father’s Day — that one day out of the year when we celebrate the dads who made us. Whoever we are in this world, we know who that person is. It could be a biological dad, a stepfather, or maybe just a friend or mentor who shaped our world and the path we chose to follow.

Dads can be strong in many ways. My dad was probably the physically strongest person I’ve ever known. He could do anything. I remember him washing the cabin boats every Friday night, meticulously scrubbing them out, and then effortlessly tipping them over one by one. These are heavy boats, weighing several hundred pounds, which normally take at least two strong bodies to lift. He had the finest Finnish sisu and the muscles to do what had to be done.

The Friday night boat cleaning ritual.

Though he was tough on the outside, my dad had a soft side and a big heart, too. I remember watching old episodes of The Waltons on TV in the late 1970s and we would all be crying and he would try to quickly wipe away his tears and scold me and my mom and sister telling us to “stop crying…it’s only a show!”

When I would have a bad day or couldn’t sleep, my dad would make us both toast with honey or homemade raspberry jam and a big glass of milk. We would sit at the kitchen table late in the evening and talk. I loved those nights.

A good dad isn’t necessarily perfect but to his kids he’s the protector, the shield between you and the rest of the big, scary world. He supports and trusts your decisions and lets go of your hand just when you need him to.

They say dads and daughters have special relationships, maybe because girls see qualities in their dad that they hope to find in their future spouse and father of their own children.

I think we all want to feel protected and cared for whether we are 7 or 77. The love of a dad lasts.

Happy Father’s Day!

My dad, George.