
We all do it. When Jan. 1 rolls around we are inspired to make New Year’s resolutions. Usually they involve stopping some behavior that we deem not good for us. Maybe it’s smoking, drinking, cursing, excessive spending, or eating too much or the wrong foods. We aim to lose weight, exercise more, get a new job, or travel to places on our bucket list. We rationalize that it’s a new year and as good a time as any to improve ourselves.

The new year begins and we are filled with hope and optimism. We plan our work and work our plan.

Sadly, habits are hard to break, so the majority of our very well-intentioned resolutions don’t last for more than a few weeks. But, to me, resolutions are still a good thing because they make us pause and evaluate our present situation, and where we seek to be in the future.

Over the holiday break I watched a great Netflix series from Norway called A Storm for Christmas. These lyrics from the end credits song stuck with me:

I want to see the city all in white. I want to see the people be all right. I want you to be all the things you are. Because to me you are a star.

So maybe in addition to our own wish list of resolutions to improve ourselves in this shiny new year, we should think about what we can do to inspire and support others in reaching their own hopes and dreams. We might also remind ourselves to be kinder, not only to ourselves but to all the people who will cross our path in the coming year.

Who is the happiest of men? He who values the merits of others, and in their pleasure takes joy, even as though they were his own. — Johann van Goethe

Happy new year to us all!
